
Stepping up into a new role is a moment for celebration, but employees also need extra support during the transition to ensure they continue to be high performers. Dado juggles the logistics, the feel-good messaging, and setting up the support infrastructure, so you don’t have to.

Sample Promotion timeline

On day of promotion
Mei Ling Newmanager enrolled in
Role updated in HRIS
Sent to
Mei Ling Newmanager
Congratulations on your promotion!

We want to make sure you can make the most of this opportunity for growth, and have everything you need to succeed.

Sign your contract amendment

Sent to
Mei Ling's Manager Jenna
Email Icon
Tips to make sure Mei Ling is successful in their new role

We want to make sure you can make the most of this opportunity for growth, and have everything you need to succeed.

Add Mei Ling’s promotion to next All-Hands deck

Book a handover meeting with Mei Ling’s previous manager

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If a new manager was assigned
Sent to
Head of Department

Add Mei Ling’s promotion to next All-Hands deck

Mei Ling automatically added to Managers Slack channel

Mei Ling automatically added to Managers Google Group

Sent to

Upgrade system permissions for Mei Ling

1 week after promotion
Sent to
Mei Ling Newmanager
Support for first-time managers

Moving into a people management role requires a different skillset to being an individual contributor

Read our Guide for New Managers

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Only for first-time managers
Sent to
Mei Ling's Manager Jenna
Pen Icon

Nominate a mentor for Mei Ling

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Only for first-time managers

Mei Ling automatically enrolled in New Manager Training in LMS

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Only for first-time managers
4 weeks after promotion
Sent to
Mei Ling Newmanager
How’s it going in your new role?

You’ve had a few weeks to settle in, and we wanted to ask how it’s going

Answer post-promotion feedback survey

Book an optional check-in meeting with your HRBP

5 weeks after promotion
Sent to
Mei Ling's Manager Jenna
Email Icon
Mei Ling could use some extra support
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Only for Negative Survey Response

Mei Ling’s responses to the post-promotion survey indicate she could do with some more support in these areas…

Book a call