Why HRISs Struggle with Onboarding

Onboarding is critical to setting employees up for success and keeping them engaged. But here's the thing: even the most advanced Human Resource Information Systems (HRISs) fall flat when it comes to managing onboarding programs that meet those goals.

In this blog post, we're going to dive into why HRISs fall short in the onboarding department and why it's important to mix things up with some extra tools and strategies.

One size never fits all

HRISs usually offer a cookie-cutter onboarding process that's supposed to fit all shapes and sizes. But let's face it, every company is unique with its own set of rules and vibes – not to mention the different requirements for each department,employment type and location.

One-size-fits-all just doesn’t work. The HRIS cookie-cutter approach means HR teams still need to do repetitive manual work to fill in the gaps for all those extra department/location-specific requirements. And new hires often end up feeling like they're getting lost in the crowd, struggling to find their place in the company.

Boredom alert!

Onboarding is not just about filling out forms and watching training videos. It's about connecting with people, understanding how you fit in to the company, and getting the lay of the land.

Unfortunately, HRISs tend to focus on the administrative side, leaving little room for the cultural side. Forget about cool features like buddy programs or team-building activities. That lack of engagement can make newbies feel like outsiders, which isn't great for them or the business!

Missed connections

Communication is key during onboarding. It's how you ask questions, get support, and feel connected. But many HRISs still lack effective communication channels beyond basic emails.

Without chat (Slack/MS Teams) or business tool integration (GoogleWorkspace/MS/Jira/etc), new hires can feel left in the dark, waiting ages for answers and feeling frustrated. And when to-dos for employees are only sent to already-overflowing inboxes, they’re less likely to get done.

Dropping the ball while juggling stakeholders

HRISs are primarily designed to manage data and automate administrative tasks – not coordinate complex processes involving back-and-forth between lots of different stakeholders. Onboarding is a team sport, with HR, the new hire, IT, office/facilities teams, and team members all having vital roles to play – and questions to ask, and information to exchange.

Coordinating these efforts to ensure a cohesive onboarding journey becomes challenging when relying solely on HRISs. The lack of integration with other tools or departments can lead to disjointed processes, duplicated efforts, and inconsistent experiences.

Growing pains

As companies grow or change, so should their onboarding process. But here's the kicker: HRISs often lack flexibility and scalability. It's like trying to squeeze into jeans two sizes too small. This rigidity leads to outdated procedures, inefficiencies, and a failure to adapt to the evolving needs of employees.

In conclusion…

There’s no denying HRISs are great for managing employee data. But let's be real here—they're not outstanding at onboarding.

We've talked about the downsides: the inflexibility, boredom-inducing experiences, communication and coordination hiccups, and the lack of scalability. But it’s not a hopeless situation. You can remedy these issues by mixing in some extra tools and strategies to make onboarding engaging, personalized, and downright awesome.

By being tech-savvy, customizing the process, promoting engagement, keeping communication open, and staying adaptable, companies can welcome new hires with open arms and set them up for long-term success. Let's make onboarding rock!

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